Editorial policy of Galicia Clínica


Galicia Clínica was re-established in 2008. In these years it has published multiple research works related to clinical medicine which are of great interest to clinical practice (hospital, health centre, emergency...).
Our journal is aimed specifically at internists and medical specialties as well as primary care physicians and medical students.

Peer review process:

This journal uses a single-blind review system. The editor makes an initial assessment of the manuscripts to verify that they fit in with the journal’s objectives. If they do, each manuscript is sent to at least two independent reviewers who evaluate the manuscripts’ scientific quality. The editor has the final decision on approving or rejecting the article for publication. In case of discrepancy, the editor’s decision is decisive.
If the article is accepted for publication, enter the publication queue. If you need corrections, it is sent back to the authors with the suggestions of the reviewers and the editor and a response time (usually 30 days). In case it is rejected again, its process ends in our magazine.

Download evaluation form

Frequency of publication:

Galicia Clínica publishes one annual volume, divided into four issues published quarterly. It is published by the Galician Society of Internal Medicine (SOGAMI), constituting its body of expression.

Open access policy:

Galicia Clínica provides immediate and free access to all the contents of this electronic edition. Publication has no cost for authors, however they transfer the copyright for their work to the journal. The journal does not allow adaptations of published articles or use for commercial purposes.


Opinions and facts in each article are the sole responsibility of the authors. The Galician Society of Internal Medicine is not responsible, in any case, for ideas or opinions expressed in works.

Estimated article evaluation and publication times:

Average evaluation time: 60 days.
Average publication time: 6-9 months.

Annual article rejection rate:

2008 16,67%
2009 4,88%
2010 9,09%
2011 14,93%
2012 15,07%
2013 22,22%
2014 39,33%
2015 38,66%
2016 51,50%
2017 67,61%
2018 50,00%
2019 68,78%
2020 64,70%
2021 65,24%

Financing sources:

Galicia Clínica is an Open Access journal that does not charge authors to process their articles. Financing comes entirely from the funds of the Galician Society for Internal Medicine, which owns the journal.

Intellectual property:

The website, the web pages that it includes, and the information or elements contained therein (including text, documents, photographs, drawings, and graphics, among other elements), as well as logos, brands, trademarks, trade names, or other distinctive symbols, are protected by intellectual or industrial property rights that are owned by the Galician Society of Internal Medicine (SOGAMI), or with the cited association being authorised to use them by the legitimate owners of such rights; specifically, the Galician Society of Internal Medicine (SOGAMI) has the rights to reproduction, distribution, public communication, and transformation.

The content of Galicia Clínica is under an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported Creative Commons License, so the work may be shared, copied, distributed, executed and communicated publicly, under the following conditions:

- Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

- Non-Commercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

- No Derivative Works — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.

For more information, see

By virtue of this license, the corrected post-print version of the published articles may be stored and filed automatically in institutional and thematic repositories or on personal web pages.

Digital filing policy:

To ensure access, readability and digital preservation for an indefinite period of time of the Galicia Clínica content, this publication may take the actions indicated below, for which the author grants express authorisation:

- Periodic backups on external servers.
- Monitoring and conversion of file formats.
- Updating the software that maintains the repository.
- Periodic verification of the integrity of the files to ensure that the work has not been altered.
- Periodic verification of work accessibility.
- Inclusion of a persistent DOI URL for the unique identification and location of the work.

Antiplagio system:

Galicia Clínica uses the iThenticate plagiarism detection service for all articles published as of January 1, 2019.